Friday, January 8, 2010

Sara Dawn Clarkson

Today is Sara's 15th birthday! We love Sara & want to thank her for all the joy & light she brings into our home!

Here are a few fun facts about Sara:

Sara was born at home in Mesa, Az on Sunday, January 8, 1995 at 10:30am. It was a beautiful day. She weighed 11lbs & 12 oz. She was my shortest labor at just 3 hours but very sharp contractions (probably because she was so big they had to be extra strong to squeeze her out). She is the second oldest out of 5 children.

Sara owes getting the name "Sara" to Madison. She was originally going to be named Eden Ashley instead of Sara Dawn. My mom kept Madison while I had Sara & when she brought Madison over to see her new baby sister after she was born my mom asked if we had changed her name to Sara. I said, "No, why?" & she said that Madison had been talking all about her baby sister Sara & how the baby was named Sara. Ryan & I decided not to disappoint Madison & went with the name Sara, with Dawn as the middle, which is my middle name.

Sara was quite an independent girl at home, she learned to get her own drinks, use the microwave, make sandwiches very early on. She could do her own pony tails by 5 years old.

Her nick name is "Sarasponda" or "Sponda" for short.

She loves sports, music & signing. She also loves sewing & is a great artist. She does well in school & keeps good grades. She is a Poston peer mediator & on the NAL team. She participates in band playing the flute & harp. She likes to set goals & challenge herself. She earned her Young Women Recognition award while she was a beehive, something which is very hard to do. Also, Her farmville farm is amazing!

Sara has great faith & it has been so special to see her exercise her faith at certain times in her life.

Sara loves life, friends, family & having fun. We love you Sara - Happy 15th Birthday!!!

Here's a little Birthday video we made to celebrate 15 amazing years with Sara:

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